Organizational change is an inevitable demand in the era of globalization. These changes can lead to discomfort, which can reduce organizational commitment in each member of the organization. It can happen because everyone in the organization is forced to leave their comfort zone to face new situations. The study was conducted to determine the phenomenon of discomfort in educational organizations that are making changes to the organization and whether this phenomenon influences the work commitment of organizational members. The empowering leadership variable will then moderate the relationship between the two variables. Empowering leadership is a leadership method in which a leader provides opportunities for subordinates to be independent at work (autonomy) and provides development opportunities. This study uses a questionnaire method in data collection and gets 255 respondents from Ciputra school foundations in Indonesia. This study uses SPSS as software in data processing to obtain research results. Based on the results of this study, discomfort does not have a significant impact on respondents who have a high level of commitment but can increase commitment if given empowering leadership. Discomfort cannot have a negative impact on organizational commitment because the majority of respondents' profile factors have strong organizational values, so they have built a commitment to schools. The research results can certainly be implemented by relevant organizations when they want to make organizational changes. Empowering leadership, which has a positive impact on commitment, is useful for accelerating change and keeping members of their organization.
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