Eko yuniarto, Febi Dwi Widayanti, Robiul Khasanah


Covid-19 impacts the world of education, so learning is carried out online due to a policy of maintaining distance. One of the methods used to keep the learning going in the pandemic era is by utilizing e-learning. The use of applications in online learning is an innovation for teachers in preparing material to be used in the online learning management process. The purpose of this study aims to describe learning management using Google Sites in pandemic at SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Singosari. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The data collection methods used in this study were interview, observation, and documentation during the learning process. The subject of this study were students of class VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Singosari. Online learning management during pandemic conditions includes planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring. Online learning will be carried out with the help of Google Sites as a medium for delivering material. The planning stage includes observation, preparation of lesson plans, collection of material sources, and preparation of learning media using Google Sites. The organizing stage includes determining the communication channels used for the online learning process and focusing resources on the target. The implementation stage is the interaction carried out by teachers and students during learning. The supervision stage includes the evaluation stage in learning. Learning evaluation is carried out through student attendance and student activeness in participating in learning. Student attendance recap shows an increase in each meeting. The use of Google Sites as a learning medium during the pandemic can be further developed to increase student motivation and make it easier for students to learn while carrying out online learning.


Learning Management; Google Sites; Online Learning

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