Vendor-capacity, Perceived-Familiarity, Perceived- Reputation, dan Personal-values sebagai Faktor Pembeda pada Kelompok Konsumen bagi Tercapainya Online Customers’ Trust: Studi pada Pengguna E-commerce di Indonesia

Musthofa Hadi, Djumilah Zain, Achmad Sudiro


The objectives of this study are (1) To find the determinant variables that discriminate the consumers’ group on trusting or not to the online-transactions, among the dependent variables which consist of vendor-capacity, perceived-familiarity, perceived-reputation, and personal values. (2) To find the most differrent variable from those determinant variables found, and (3) To Find the effective strategy to overcome the e-trust barriers in Indonesian online-market. The data collected from 85 samples of Indonesians that experiencing the e-commerce transactions. Many questioners were spread by mailed and directly spreading to meet the quota. The data analysis that used were Discriminant Analysis and Crosstab Analisis. The result of this study show that from four predicting variables, there are
only two variables that determinant the consumers’ choise to trust or not to the onlinetransactions; vendor-capacity and perceived-familiarity,- which has significant influence for this case. The consumers’ perceived-familiarity was found as the most influencing variables that could discriminate the trust of the customers to online-transactions. Therefore, the vendors’ strategy should be held to educate the customer and maximizing the customers’ relationship programs, beside continous improvement of the vendors’ capacities as well.


e-commerce; trust; e-trust; vendor-capacity; perceived-familiarity; perceived-reputation; personal-values

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