Suci Ramadhani, Arif Imam Suroso, Joko Ratono


Online video advertising is one of the most popular types of internet advertisements. The compliance of the website service provider comes from advertising. However, research is still rarely found that focuses on the attitudes and consumer behavior towards online video advertising. The purpose of this study is to analyze the value of online video advertising on consumer attitudes, behavioral intention, and watching behavior on YouTube. This research uses the internet advertising model and combines it with the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA). Respondent data were obtained as many as 226 from the distribution of online questionnaires for YouTube users in the Jabodetabek. The analytical tool used in this study is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of this study indicate that informativeness, entertainment, irritation, and credibility are significant for consumer attitudes. On the other hand, consumers’ attitudes towards the advertising also significant for behavioral intention and behavior of watching online video advertisements. In future research, deep subjectivity is needed regarding segmentation and culture.


Consumer attitude; behavioral intention; watching behavior; online video; advertising; reasoned action theory

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