Analisis Pengembangan Model Bisnis Kanvas CV Kandura Keramik Bandung

Benedictus Permadi, Rita Nurmalina, Kirbrandoko Kirbrandoko


CV Kandura Keramik is one of companies which runs its business in ceramic production. As a company which is producing ceramics with high market potential, the company needs capacity building by identifying internal and external factors in order to facilitate in improving the company’s internal management and to develop strategies that can be used optimally to improve the company’s revenue. This research is aiming to give an overview of the business model performed by CV Kandura Ceramic along with the overview of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats based on Business Model Canvas and provide input regarding corrective measures for the company. Research method conducted with Business Model Canvas approach and SWOT analysis to allow the formation of alternative strategy. The improvement of business model performed on seven of nine elements of BMC and there are seven major improvement programs for the company as follows: Establish a new segmentation, cooperation with art students, business partners, suppliers and partners, registering products to Standardization Agency, form R&D subdivision and human resources.


business model canvas; CV Kandura Keramik; SWOT

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