Event sponsorship is considered as one major marketing strategy. Companies investing in sponsorship are growing rapidly. However, research on sponsorship has not been done in the depth management aspects of a sports organization and has been concentrated in specific areas. Thus, this research fills the gap by conducting the study to analyze the relationship between sponsor-event congruence on brand image, attitude toward the brand, and purchase intention in the context of sport sponsorship event in Indonesia. Questionnaires were distributed by applying a personally administered questionnaire to 200 respondents who participated in that event. Data were analyzed through structural equation modeling method. Results showed that there are 4 out of 6 hypotheses were supported. Those hypotheses are: there is a positive relationship between sponsor-event congruence and attitudes toward the brand; there is a positive relationship between attitudes toward the brand and purchase intention, there is a positive relationship between brand image and attitudes toward the brand, and there is a positive relationship between sponsor-event congruence and purchaseintention.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21776/ub.jam.2020.018.01.02
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