Guerilla Marketing: Pengaruh Guerilla Advertising terhadap Awareness dan Image Produk bagi Perusahaan

Ady Putra Pratama


Advertising is the part of the promotion. In Indonesia, many companies use promotions in order to increase sales. Advertising sends the message and brand value to the consumers. The amount of advertising that is conventionally leading to saturation for consumers in Indonesia. The concept of guerilla advertising is one of the advertising conceptsthat are creative and attractive advertising in affecting consumers’ awareness. Companies can use the concept of guerilla advertising as a new concept that is easy to implement and use low budgets. Guerilla advertising has a positive and negatif effect for the company. The use of guerilla advertising technique itself is deemed to be less credible due to language and delivery using an extreme way. However, guerilla advertising is very important because it is used by a company beside it is issued a small budget, geruilla advertising concept is a new concept and can affect consumers’ awareness with an easy and innovative way.


guerilla advertising; awareness; image product

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