Implementasi Total Quality Management (TQM) Menuju World Class University (WCU) pada Biro Administrasi Umum Universitas Muslim Indonesia Makassar

Hamzah Hafied


Abstract: This research goal was to understand ”The Implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM)
for World Class University (WCU) in The General Administration Office, Indonesian Moslem University” .
This research used descriptive method. The performance of research used survey study applying questionnaires
to respondents. In-dept research used observation and interview on research aspects. Sources of
data or population, in this research, were full-time staffs, the civil servants of the General Administration
Office, Indonesian Moslem University, 30 staffs. Data, in this research, were analyzed in two phases: (1)
analysis before existing in field for data of previous study results; and (2) analysis on and after data were
collected. Analysis steps, in this research, were: (1) reduction of data, to summarize data; (2) data display
(presentation of data) in tables and figures; (3) verification, to make conclusion. Data, which would be
analyzed descriptively in this research, were: (1) frequency of respondents’ response to the research aspects;
(2) results of observation; (3) substance of interview. For tes of hypothesis used the multiple regression
analysis. Study results indicated that implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) that included
by preparation class, planning class and doing class have significant impact to ascend administration
staffs quality for World Class University (WCU).However, the implementation stage has more dominant
influence on quality improvement of administration staff toward World Class University (WCU) as revealed
in table 9, where majority (76,2%) of respondent responses indicated that in periodically formal survey
each year to monitor and provide information about satisfaction rate for determining the improvement
actions needed in implementation stage toward World Class University (WCU).
Keywords: Total Quality Management (TQM) and World Class University (WCU)

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